Campsites in Catalonia

Catalonia is a top-tier tourist destination among the most popular in Europe and the foremost in Spain. Here, you'll find all the campgrounds in Catalonia for you to choose the one that best suits you through our filtering system. Mountain campgrounds or those on the beachfront. Read more

Small or resorts, family-friendly, campgrounds with bungalows, pet-friendly options, Glamping, or safari tents... there are as many camping options as there are types of campers. Nowadays, Catalonia's campgrounds offer different types of facilities, such as mobile homes or bungalows, fully equipped for those who want to enjoy the camping experience without setting up a tent. And if you are a true camper, with a motorhome or camper, here we offer you the filtering system to choose the type of pitch that best suits your needs, turning your space into a small paradise of disconnection and relaxation.

First-class campgrounds, second-class, or luxury campgrounds where you can opt for premium facilities and services, like true outdoor hotels. In the Campings Cat guide, we have selected those campgrounds that guarantee the highest quality during your stay on vacation.

Main Camping Destinations in Catalonia

The main tourist destinations in Catalonia are the Costa Brava, the Costa Dorada, Tarragona, Barcelona, and the Pyrenees. And in each of these tourist areas, there is a special campground for every taste! From the family resort campground with a pool and slides to the smallest and charming one on the seashore or near Pedraforca.

Want to know which are the best campgrounds in Catalonia for a family vacation? Click on the link and discover our selection of the best ones for families.

Want to discover campgrounds with water slides in Catalonia? We explain it here:

What to Do at the Campground?

Catalonia surprises you from north to south and from east to west. Here, we offer you a list of all the activities you can do to help you choose your ideal destination for every occasion. From the most spectacular viewpoints in the Catalan Pyrenees to the best plans you can make by the sea. Discovering the more than 18 Natural Parks, cycling routes, trekking or hiking trails, enjoying a wine tourism experience in a campground among vineyards, tasting authentic Catalan cuisine, skiing, or engaging in sports activities like canyoning or windsurfing, enjoying the attractions of theme parks like PortAventura, or simply relaxing and forgetting about routine with thermal waters... you can enjoy any of these experiences in your accommodation, a unique way to travel and experience unforgettable vacations.

If you've never had a camping experience, we encourage you to do it! Find your vacation option here, whether it's a romantic getaway for couples, with friends, or your summer family vacation. Discover Catalonia's campgrounds with the Campings CAT search engine.

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