Sports activities

If you want to enjoy Catalonia both by land and by air and water, you can't miss the active tourism that our land offers. Due to its diversity of landscapes, ranging from the hidden coves of the Mediterranean to the highest peaks of the Pyrenees, Catalonia allows us to offer a wide range of sports activities that can be enjoyed with family or friends.

Let your adventurous spirit not get bored and experience new sensations on water, in the air, and on land!

Activate Adrenaline

Activate Adrenaline

Living adventures is synonymous with Catalonia. For this reason, we present some of the sports activities in Catalonia that you cannot miss on your list of things to do.

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Skiing in Catalonia

Skiing in Catalonia

Still unsure about which ski resort will be the next one you want to descend? Well, here we help you choose the one that best suits your tastes.

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Award-winning project in the category
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