Delta del Llobregat Natural Park

A mosaic of landscapes to enjoy with the family!

Fields of crops, lagoons and wetlands, pine trees on dunes, and pristine beaches... Visiting the Delta del Llobregat Natural Park is to fly to a landscape rich in every sense. Because the Llobregat is abundant in landscapes, biodiversity, and ecology. With an area of ​​over 98 kilometers, it also organizes a multitude of activities for all tastes.

Highlights, however, include those related to education, outreach, and the enjoyment of families. The park offers Gymkhanas! Its over 18,000 years of existence have given a lot, and today, the Delta del Llobregat is a mosaic of landscapes to discover for children and adults alike.

This rich landscape is home to more than 360 species that can be enjoyed with a multitude of activities

Key features

  • Kilometers and kilometers:

At almost 100 kilometers, between the Garraf massif and Montjuic and the Sant Andreu de la Barca gorge in the north, it encompasses the Natural Park of the Delta del Llobregat. It is the second delta in Catalonia, preserving one of the most important wetlands in the country, and belongs to the municipalities of El Prat de Llobregat, Viladecans, Gavà, and Sant Boi de Llobregat.

  • Diversity

An environment that stands out for its ecological value, landscape, and biodiversity. And indeed, inside, you can find different natural environments practically unique in Catalonia.

  • Birds

While the park is rich in flora and fauna, the presence of water birds stands out. The reason? The park is situated in the middle of the migratory route of birds from Northern Europe to Africa.

Delta del Llobregat Natural Park

What to do?

The Delta del Llobregat is the ideal park to share family activities with the children. However, if you enjoy birdwatching and nature conservation, you will also be in the right place.

  • Family activities

Workshops, guided tours, species census, and even a treasure hunt, everything you can do with your family in the park. Children will connect with nature through games that are curious in a fun and entertaining way. There is a schedule of activities that you can check.

  • Nature and photography

The Discovery Conference, organized by the park itself, free trekking in its surroundings, and capturing unique photos at sunset are other options available in the Delta del Llobregat. If you are particularly interested in the environment, you can also enroll in some of their more educational initiatives.

  • Birdwatching

The park offers a specialized birdwatching guide service for birdwatchers, focusing on observing the most significant bird species in the Llobregat Delta that are challenging to see in other European countries.

How can I get there?

  • By public transport. The best option is to take the RENFE train to Prat de Llobregat and then the PR3 bus.
  • By car. To reach the Delta del Llobregat, take the Castelldefels road and exit at Prat de Llobregat.

The keys

  • Address: Delta del Llobregat Consortium. Av. Onze de Setembre, 73-75. El Prat de Llobregat.
  • Public: for all ages. Highly recommended for families with children.
  • Price: free.
  • Leisure: Hiking, family activities, birdwatching, photography...

More information

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