Delta del Ebro Natural Park

The most extensive aquatic habitat in Catalonia

This is the adjective that best defines the Delta del Ebro Natural ParkThe largest aquatic habitat in Catalonia, with 320 square kilometers of surface, forms one of the most curious and beautiful places in Catalan geography. Located in Tarragona, the Ebro Delta boasts golden sandy beaches, bays with an endless gaze, and rice fields that extend beyond where the human eye can reach. A paradise of animal species and a wide range of family activities that will captivate you.

This rich landscape is home to more than 360 species that can be enjoyed with a multitude of activities

Multitude of species: it has everything. River, sea, bays, beaches, dunes, riparian forests, coastal lagoons, river islands, or rice fields. Established as a natural park in 1983, the Ebro Delta is rich in diversity of environments, marine species, and birds. And its numbers are impressive. There are more than 360 different animal species and more than 100,000 bird specimens!

Delta del Ebro Natural Park

What to do?

Being one of the most important wetlands in Western Europe, it is not surprising that the Ebro Delta Natural Park offers a thousand and one activities to enjoy it. Many local companies are responsible for preparing everything so that you only have to pack with its nature and get to know the park thoroughly. There is something for every taste, hobby, age, and type of family.

Take a bike ride, explore the world of bird watching, swim with tuna, relax on a sailing cruise, visit oyster and mussel farms, or go horseback riding are just some examples. If you want to know more, you can learn here. The largest aquatic habitat in Catalonia cannot be left without eating a good Delta rice. The taste of the cuisine in this area, conditioned by the coexistence of fresh and saltwater, its multitude of spices, and rice cultivation, gives rise to unique dishes that will make you lick your fingers.

Delta del Ebro Natural Park

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