
The portal where you will find information about the campsites in Catalonia

Catalonia has some of the best campsites in Europe thanks to its commitment to quality and comfort.

Catalonia is also a top tourist destination for its tourist, landscape, gastronomic, cultural attractions, and offers for all ages.

To promote the union of these two ideas, CampingsCat is born!

On this website, you will find information about campsites in Catalonia, and you can filter them by size, coast or mountain, whether you can bring your pet, if they have a pool, or entertainment for the little ones at home. Our goal is that everyone can find the campsite that best suits their style and way of traveling. Catalonia has great diversity with more than 350 campsites, some awarded as the best in Europe. We hope to help you find yours!

On this website, you will find information about campsites in Catalonia, and you can filter them by size, coast or mountain, whether you can bring your pet, if they have a pool, or entertainment for the little ones at home. Our goal is that everyone can find the campsite that best suits their style and way of traveling. Catalonia has great diversity with more than 350 campsites, some awarded as the best in Europe. We hope to help you find yours! At CampingsCat, you will also find information about Catalonia, its destinations and tourist brands, natural parks, ideas for hiking, cycling, or water and skiing activities. In Catalonia, there are proposals for everyone, all year round!

And through the Blog, we will share curiosities, news, tips, recommendations... It's an open and lively space where you can ask us to address any topic that may be of general interest. Subscribe to our newsletter and don't miss anything!

We want CampingsCat to be a useful portal, to help its users find what they are looking for, to provide answers, or help inspire and discover things you didn't know existed!

We hope that CampingsCat helps you find your holidays and enjoy camping as much as we enjoy preparing each piece of content!

Award-winning project in the category
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