Outlets in Barcelona

Shopping at Catalonia's Outlets: Good, beautiful and affordable!

We have a tip for you. If you come to Catalonia, bring an empty suitcase! In its cities, you will find what every bargain hunter is looking for: top-notch brands and labels at prices for every budget. In Catalonia, the concept of good, beautiful, and cheap is a reality. Therefore, discounted products here are not fiction! Discover the best outlet spots in Barcelona!

In Catalonia, you'll find the best shopping centers and stores to get your hands on top brands at scandalously low prices!

There's everything. Clothing, footwear, electronics, home goods... But undoubtedly, textiles are the most successful. Especially the outlets, specialized stores in selling products at bargain prices, are an excellent opportunity to fill your wardrobe without emptying your wallet. Thanks to them, you can bring home that luxury piece at a price that won't let you lose sleep, whether it's shoes from fashion icons' outfits or decorating your home in the purest style.

Our Recommendations:

We suggest you visit the following best outlets in Barcelona:

Located in Viladecans, in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, this outlet offers no less than 130 stores with scandalously low prices. Additionally, the center features 26,500 square meters where you can buy products from Adidas, Adolfo Domínguez, Pedro Miralles, or Nike.

Address: Carretera de la Vila, S/n-Sector Ca Alemany. Viladecans.

Another mega shopping center where luxury prevails, because La Roca Village is synonymous with exclusivity. Just 40 minutes from Barcelona, this Catalan-style village encompasses top-notch national and international fashion brands such as Armani, Aristocrazy, Bequés, Carolina Herrera, Cottet, Diesel, Fossil, La Martina, or Purificación García. It also offers a day tour, departing from Barcelona, for you to enjoy the complete shopping experience.

Address: Santa Agnés de Malanyanes, S/N. Roca del Vallés, Barcelona.

Outlets in Barcelona

  • Mànec Factory Outlet.

It is a low-cost establishment of the brand chaired by Isak Andic. Although there are several, we recommend the location in Palau-Solità i Plegamans (Barcelona) for its 1,200 square meters of space. You will also find the best pieces from Mango at scandalously low prices.

Address: Palau-solitá i Plegamans, Barcelona.

The brand by Paloma Santaolalla has its own outlet in Barcelona. Its feminine and charming collections are available for every budget at the warehouse on Girona street. There, we can get discounts of up to 80%.

Address: Calle Girona 38, Barcelona.

  • Desigual Outlet.

The colorful and original pieces of Desigual are sold at very interesting prices at the outlet the brand has in Barcelona. Open from Monday to Saturday, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, the store has very good items from other seasons to brighten up anyone's shopping day.

Address: Carrer Diputació 313, Barcelona.

Energie, Miss Sixty, Ed Hardy, or Superdry are some of the brands listed in their catalog. The center offers excellent shops without spending a fortune. It is also located in the heart of Barcelona.

Address: Calle Girona 41, Barcelona.

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