Natural Parks

Stop imagining this ideal green forest or tranquil sea and go live it. Here, you will find more than 18 Natural Parks in Catalonia where you can enjoy great beauty and reconnect with nature.

Tens la possibilitat recórrer aquesta fauna i flora salvatge tant a peu com amb bicicleta, seguint els itineraris i senderes que creuen els parcs naturals.

Make sure to choose which park you want to visit first and live an experience that you will likely want to repeat.

Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici National Park

Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici National Park

The only national park in Catalonia has peaks reaching 3,000 meters in altitude that seem to crown the sky with activities for all ages!

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Alt Pirineu Natural Park

Alt Pirineu Natural Park

In this natural space, the largest in Catalonia, the country's largest mammals find refuge!

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Ebro Delta

Ebro Delta

This landscape is home to more than 360 species, and you can enjoy it with a multitude of activities.

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Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park

Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park

The park has hundreds of kilometers of trails with incredibly rich flora and fauna!

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Delta del Llobregat Natural Park

Delta del Llobregat Natural Park

Crop fields, lagoons and wetlands, pine forests on dunes, and pristine beaches...

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La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park

The best example of the volcanic landscape of the Iberian Peninsula boasts 28 itineraries and activities like horse-drawn carriages!

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Aiguamolls de L'empordá Natural Park

Aiguamolls de L'empordá Natural Park

The park is the second wettest area in Catalonia and the perfect place for bird watching.

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Ports Natural Park

Ports Natural Park

This park in Tarragona offers beech and oak forests, ancient traditions, and finger-licking gastronomy!

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Award-winning project in the category
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