Alt Pirineu Natural Park

An immense refuge for brown bears and deer.

Nearly 70,000 hectares halfway between the regions of Pallars Sobirá and Alt Urgell give rise to the largest natural park in Catalonia. A huge refuge for endangered species and remote corners that shelter the country's largest mammals and called the Natural Park of the High Pyrenees. There, among the Pyrenean mountains, archaeological remains, and forests of red pine and vast meadows, up to six species of herbivores (chamois, mouflon, hoes, deer, turkeys, wild boars) and even the mythical brown bear live. But there is room for more. The white partridge, the alpine sparrow, the capercaillie, or the otter also have their particular paradise in its peaks.

In this natural space, the largest in Catalonia, the country's largest mammals find refuge!

Glacial Lake

In addition to being a haven for the most impressive fauna, the high Pyrenees is home to the largest glacial lake in the region, Certascan. Declared a natural park in 2003, the High Mountains La Pica D'Estats the highest point and a classic climbing goal - ends up giving way to a place rich not only in nature but also in history and culture.


The surrounding villages have hidden treasures like Romanesque and Baroque buildings, religious constructions that were the worship of centuries past, and military structures from the Spanish Civil War.

What to do?

Despite having many remote and inaccessible areas, the Alt Pirineu Natural Park has an extensive network of well-signposted hiking trails. Enjoying an activity while breathing the fresh air of the Pyrenees, whether it's a hike or a snow adventure, is more than a recommended option. There are countless activities with nature - Here are some ideas - from snowshoeing to multi-day treks, through experiential hiking, an itinerary through Bosc de Virós, or a route to Pica d'Estats from Vall Ferrera...

Alt Pirineu Natural Park

How can I get there?

The different altitudes have made it possible for the park to have a variety of landscapes, all of which can be visited in various ways.

The main accesses to the Alt Pirineu are as follows:

  • In own vehicle.
  • Bus with ALSA and Alsina Graells companies.
  • By train (Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de CATALUNYA and RENFE).
  • On foot.
  • With mountain bike.
  • In 4 x 4 taxis (the best alternative to private vehicles).

The keys

  • Address: Carrer de la Riba, 1, 25595 Llavorsí, Lleida
  • Public: for all ages. Ideal for walkers.
  • Price: free. Activities for all budgets.
  • Leisure: Hiking, snowshoeing, multi-day trips, themed routes...

More information

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