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Overnight rate

Do you want to know which campsites offer overnight rates? In the online Campings Cat guide, you have access to the list of 40 campsites in Catalonia by the sea and mountains that provide this service, with a special overnight rate from 8:00 pm to 10:00 am the next day. Read more

If you're traveling in a motorhome, van, camper, or comanche and are on the road or simply want to stay an extra day at the campsite, you can choose this option and enjoy the pitch space with all the amenities such as showers, electricity, etc.

Sleep & Go in Catalonia Camping

Traveling in a motorhome is like an adventure, and it's gaining more enthusiasts every day due to the feeling of freedom, independence, and the opportunity to experience this travel formula that has become a way of life for many.

38 campsites in Catalonia located by the beach, in the interior area, and also in the mountains offer the so-called 'Sleep & Go' service for the convenience of motorhome enthusiasts, those who want to sleep freely as they travel. In Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona, there are campsites in all four provinces that reserve some pitches near the entrances specifically for users looking for a special rate to arrive at the facilities at 8:00 pm and leave the next day before 10:00 am.

At Campings Cat, we know that this is a service that interests those of you traveling with family in a motorhome. That's why in our online guide, you can filter Catalonia campsites based on whether they offer a special overnight rate for a single night. Additionally, we provide search filters based on the tourist area, population, and the category of the campsite. If they have official eco, family, or sports certifications, and if they are open all year. You can also filter by facilities and amenities offered to customers, such as a restaurant, supermarket, pool, etc.

Traveling through Catalonia is a unique experience. Not only does it allow you to discover landscapes, charming towns, and natural spaces freely, but it is also a lifestyle where you can enjoy at your own pace everything that nature has to offer. History, cultural heritage, turquoise beaches with crystal-clear waters, medieval towns, forests, UNESCO heritage landscapes, lakes in the high mountains... in many of these places, you can find the ideal campsite for an overnight stay.

If you want to know more about what to do in Catalonia, we encourage you to discover it at the following link: Things to do in Catalonia

Start your journey through the most special places in Catalonia and book your overnight stays here.

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