Landscapes of Barcelona

The inland regions of Barcelona conceal many unique spaces where living in harmony with nature, near Barcelona, is possible. It's a land that invites you to discover hermitages, castles, and historical remains from various eras. This tourist brand encompasses the Catalan regions of Osona, Bages, Anoia, and Moianés. Particularly, the Landscapes of Barcelona are designed for people seeking to enjoy rural and thermal tourism. Is that your case? We help you discover what to do in the surroundings of Barcelona!


Richness, diversity, and natural beauty are key aspects of the Landscapes of Barcelona. The terrain is marked by vast plains, as is the case with Vic and Anoia, as well as unique and emblematic elevations, such as Montserrat, a symbol of Catalonia.

Furthermore, within this tourism brand, natural spaces stand out, such as the Montseny Natural Park (declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO), the Sant Llorenç del Munt i L'obac Natural Park, the Montserrat Mountain Natural Park and the natural area of Les Guilleries-Savassona.


The main heritage attractions of the landscapes of Barcelona consist of churches, monasteries, castles, industrial colonies, bridges, chapels... They are mainly concentrated in the capitals, but many other towns and villages also have monuments of great interest that you shouldn't miss. Without a doubt, one visit not to be missed is the Montserrat Monastery.

Culture and tradition, as is the case throughout Catalonia, fill the calendar with the most interesting events. Popular festivals and fairs of all kinds have significant participation. Among the most prominent are the European Balloon Festival, the Vic's Live Music Market or the Mediterranean Fair of Manresa.


The diverse landscapes of Barcelona have multiplied the possibilities for sports activities related to the environment. Water sports, mountain activities (hiking, trekking, or transhumance routes), traditional sports, and adventure activities (archery or horseback riding) are some of the activities that can be found in the area, catering to all audiences. In the unparalleled setting of the landscapes of Barcelona!


High-quality cuisine holds a special place in this area, and many of its products are highly recognized among consumers and the restaurant sector. In this case, the Vic sausage, Montserrat tomato, or Igualada coca stand out. Local products!


Wines also play a significant role in the landscapes of Barcelona. It's not surprising since vineyards are one of the main ingredients of this area. A good example of this is its designation of origin (DO) Pla de Bages. A very young designation belonging to a relatively small area, but with a great winemaking tradition. The Picapoll, a very special white wine, is produced in this designation.

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