Spas and Thermal Waters

Spas and thermal waters in Catalonia: the best-kept secret of our land.

Take care of your body and mind in the style of the ancient Greeks and Romans. This is what you can do in the spas and thermal waters of Catalonia, a land that hides a therapeutic and revitalizing secret in them. For yourself, if you are looking for a break immersed in thermal waters, tranquility in absolute silence, and a gift of treatments for the soul, you will find it here. In Catalonia, we are clear: there is nothing like water to take care of yourself.

Catalonia is a land of gods, exclusive treatment centers, a peaceful atmosphere, and healing waters!

The whimsical nature of the community has formed spectacular springs where water emerges, cold or warm, naturally. In these places, the body and spirit themselves have become a way of life. They are the Catalan thermal villages, and there are many. Some like Benifallet, Caldetes D'estrac, or Caldes de Malavella, offer care, but also culture, gastronomy, or tradition. In some of them, as well as in other parts of the community, the most spectacular spas on the entire continent have emerged. That's why we encourage you to immerse yourself in them!

Spas and Thermal Waters

We have selected these four spas and thermal waters in Catalonia, one for each province, that you can't miss (otherwise, you can't say we haven't informed you):


Overlooking the Mediterranean and one of the most exclusive avant-garde buildings in the country, this spa is located. We assure you that this center, a pioneer in thermalism and thalassotherapy – combining thermal water and seawater in treatments and therapies, will lead you to health, beauty, and well-being.


is considered one of the best spas in Europe. It features over 1,000 square meters of water areas, a four-hectare botanical garden, and a myriad of treatments for all tastes and needs. All this in an atmosphere of pure tranquility and exclusivity. Who can resist?


You can relax and enjoy winter sports or adventure in the mountains. Located in the heart of the Pyrenees, it offers visitors no less than 37 springs of mineral and medicinal waters that emerge at temperatures ranging from 4 to 56 degrees. Its 1,500 meters, allowing you to breathe fresh air, and its 24 hectares of facilities, do the rest.


Perhaps one of the most emblematic in the region, because the neo-Gothic style of its building, declared a Historical-Artistic Monument, its lush vegetation, and its proximity to the Costa Dorada make it unique. It also offers all kinds of new trends such as Bulgarian rose, hot stones, or a chocolate wrap.

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