Find Your Hiking Route in Catalonia

The region boasts nearly 10,000 kilometers of both long and short trails for you to lace up your boots and enjoy hiking routes in Catalonia!

It's more than a hobby or a sport. In Catalonia, hiking is an intrinsic part of the culture. The complex is a vast network of trails, where you can don your boots and embark on long-distance routes (GR) for hours or spend some time strolling along smaller local paths. It's the same every day of the year. Hiking in Catalonia knows no date or expiration. With the favorable weather and a variety of kilometers suitable for hikers, whether in the mountains, along the coast, or through the forests, you have no excuses here. And you, when do you dare?

Hiking routes cover almost every corner of the Catalan territory, allowing us to enjoy both the coast and the mountains!

In Catalonia, going for a walk is much more than just walking. It's the perfect excuse to enjoy the company of family, friends, or pets. Moreover, it's the ideal way to spend a weekend away from asphalt and concrete, and it's the perfect opportunity to reconnect with nature. Hiking routes in Catalonia cover almost every corner of the Catalan geography, making it possible to approach the coast and breathe in the salty air or cross high mountain natural parks and feel like a true adventurer. We assist hundreds of companies that offer specialized proposals for excursions with accommodation, tailored for hiking enthusiasts wearing their boots.

Find Your Hiking Route in Catalonia

Although there are a thousand routes and different paths, we summarize some of the most important trails and companies:

The quintessential coastal journey on the Costa Brava. It is a trail that winds its way through cliffs, coves with crystal-clear waters, and beaches with golden sand. There are also forests, ruins of castles, and fishing villages. Don't miss it!

A route with unparalleled cultural richness. This itinerary connects some of the most important works of Catalan Romanesque art through the regions of Bages, Moianés, Osona, and Ripollés, using Bishop and Abbot Oliba as its thread.

A completely personalized experience is what Pirineu Emoció promises. Your getaways will come alive amidst the Pyrenees and the pre-Pyrenees. The authenticity of its heritage, culture, and nature awaits you.

t encompasses nineteen localities in the northern part of the Pallars Jussà region, in the heart of Vall Fosca. From the town hall, they offer and manage activities to discover its treasures and explore every corner of its interior.

A company committed to the transmission of traditional knowledge and the economic development of the territory that organizes tailor-made vacations. It is a new way of understanding tourism and, therefore, enjoying all the charms of Catalonia.

High mountain is their specialty. This company will set your feet in the Pyrenees. You just have to start walking and etch every moment between its steep peaks into your memory.

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