Long-distance routes

Put on your boots and discover the best hiking trails in Catalonia through your long-distance routes!

Hiking in Catalonia is a way of life and the best approach to uncover its treasures. From north to south, east to west, from the saltiness of the sea to the white cloak of the mountains, or from urban areas to the most enchanting villages. Exploring the region through GR routes or long-distance trails is not only possible but also a highly recommended experience. So, lace up your boots and take on the challenge of the most demanding routes!

The GR trails, spanning Europe in all directions, allow you to discover the treasures of the region.

What Are They?

The Long-Distance Trails or GR (Grande Randonnée) trails form a network of paths that crisscross Europe in all directions. The ERA (European Ramblers' Association-European Hiking Federation) is the organization responsible for their coordination, although in Spain, it is the Spanish Federation of Mountain and Climbing Sports that maintains them.

A white stripe over another red one is the sign that will warn you that you are in front of one of these trails. You will know, therefore, that these are routes with a minimum length of 50 kilometers, and to complete them, you will need at least a day of walking.

Long-distance routes

Which one to choose?

With a network of 5,000 kilometers of long-distance paths and trails (GR) at your disposal, we understand that it's difficult to choose just one. To make it easy for you, we recommend some essential ways, even though our advice is for you to discover them all!

  • GR 3: Central Catalonia Trail

700 kilometers of marked route to explore Catalonia in depth. It's a trail that practically connects all Catalan GR paths. Currently, it goes from Girona to Lleida, linking Plana de Vic with Plana de Lleida, crossing charming forests such as Berguedá, Bages, and Solsonés.

  • GR 92: Mediterranean Trail

From Cap de Creus to Sierra del Montsiá, this route is to immerse yourself in the Mediterranean. The sea, golden sand, and fishing villages will accompany you.

  • GR 11: Pyrenean Trail

The most mountainous of all, it crosses the Pyrenees on its southern side. If you have the gear and choose to hike the GR11, you will traverse unmatched peaks, valleys, villages, forests, and ridges.

  • GR 4: From France to Montserrat

The GR 4 Trail is part of the European GR E-7 and connects Puigcerdá with Montserrat. It passes through areas of high landscape interest, runs along a stretch of the Llobregat River, and also encounters outstanding religious buildings

  • GR 175: Cistercian Route

The Cistercian route connects the three great Cistercian monasteries in Catalonia: Santes Creus, Poblet, and Vallbona de les Monges, with enormous heritage value.

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