Costa Dorada

The Costa Dorada is one of the most beautiful areas on the Catalan coast, not only for its stunning landscapes and extensive offerings but also because it's the ideal year-round destination, thanks to its excellent climatic conditions. Moreover, you can experience anything from a romantic night in a village nestled amid the mountains of Prades to a family day on one of the best beaches in the Mediterranean. Don't miss out on everything you can do on the Costa Dorada; it's a paradise that will captivate you!


Its distinctive landscapes don't go unnoticed, offering both sea and mountains. The beautiful beaches are a highlight, earning its name due to the golden color of the sand when the sun shines upon it. It also features the Natural Park of Serra del Montsant, providing significant natural heritage through its landscape.


The Costa Daurada takes you on a journey through time. From remnants of prehistoric culture in L'espluga de Francolí to the rich Roman heritage of the ancient Tarraco in the city of Tarragona, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Not to forget the medieval past on the Ruta del Cister (Cistercian Route) to modernism through the landscape of geniuses.


With its climatic and environmental richness, indulging in outdoor activities is one of the most popular suggestions in the region. Therefore, hiking trails, cycling circuits, or golfing are some of the options you can choose from when visiting the Costa Dorada.

Additionally, if you're an adventurer who enjoys adrenaline, we recommend immersing yourself in the fascinating world of fantasy and simulation. PortAventura World.


The rich and varied gastronomic offer allows you to embark on a journey to the dining table with an infinite number of products, recipes, and festive days. You can find restaurants to suit all tastes and budgets. For the more discerning, the Costa Dorada boasts Michelin-starred restaurants that offer a unique perspective on gastronomic tradition.

You'll find grilled meats in the inland areas and fish in the coastal towns, especially in Cambrils (its gastronomic capital), along with the classic calçots (spring onions) drenched in Romesco Sauce in Valls.


With several Designations of Origin for wine and a significant part of its territories included in the cava Designation of Origin the Costa Dorada has a distinguished variety of vineyard landscapes. If you're passionate about this culture, you must visit villages like Siurana or Cartoixa d’Scala Dei.

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