Quality wines with up to eleven designations of origin. Discover the best wineries in Catalonia!
The close bond between Catalonia and wine began over 2,500 years ago. It was the Greeks, Romans, and Iberians, on their journey through these lands, who introduced the first vineyards. The benefits of the Mediterranean climate provide an idyllic environment for the region to produce high-quality wines. Having a glass of Catalan wine is, therefore, taking a sip of its history, culture, and identity. Don't miss it!
You are in the land of wines. So, remember, leaving Catalonia without enjoying a glass is almost a crime!
The diversity of climates, landscapes, and characteristics of the different territories in Catalonia is the reason why there are up to eleven designations of origin (DO) - in addition to cava - each with a unique idiosyncrasy. For example, Penedés, the world's first denomination with 100% organic wines, has some of the best vineyards on the planet, while Empordá, the gateway to the Greeks, produces high-quality rosé wines. But there are many more. Red, sparkling, white, acidic, fruity, fresh, or intense... All of them will be a gift for your senses!
The region is, therefore, a land of wineries. A safe bet is to choose some of the companies or entities included in the Enoturismo Catalunya brand to begin discovering the territory. However, we make it a bit easier for you and recommend that you take note of the following best wineries in Catalonia: La Vinyeta, Castell del Remei, Cavis Freixenet, Clos Pons, Bodegas Peralta, Bodegas Abadal, Bodegas de Ca Suriol, Celler de Capsanes, Celler Masroig, Codorniu, Finca Viladellops, Familia Torres, Montesquius, Heretat Oller del Mas.
But enjoying wine culture is not just about tasting and drinking. Wine tourism offers a plethora of activities to discover cultivation firsthand and open to authentic experiences. A guided tour pedaling through extensive vineyard lands is a good option. But you can also opt for a more cultural visit, such as in the building with the most history in Catalonia, or choose to go up and down, often with tastings included, at some of the most popular wineries in the region (Taste Clos Pons, visit Codorniu...).
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