Catalonia's theme parks allow you to travel to different universes full of adventures to share with both family and friends. In them, you will find attractions for all tastes and ages, allowing your companions to be part of the experience for a different day full of adrenaline.
Stimulate the imagination of both the young and old in the house through the different themes you will find in these parks!
PortAventura Park is one of the main theme parks in Catalonia and highly regarded in Europe. Its 6 themed areas take you on a fascinating journey around the most wonderful places in the world.
Visit our entryAquópolis Costa Dorada is the water park with the largest dolphinarium in the province of Tarragona. It covers 10 hectares of surface area. It also has different areas for the enjoyment of all ages, with Hawaiian theming, 4 pools, and more than 23 attractions.
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