Forget Your Routine

In Catalonia, you can escape your routine and relax in our best Catalan wellness centers!

Escaping to Catalonia is synonymous with relaxation and disconnection. A hot tub, a steam bath, a body treatment to hydrate and restore the original appearance of the dermis... Whatever you're looking for, Catalan wellness centers are experts in making you forget about the routine. All this, combined with fantastic weather, a wide variety of landscapes, and a diverse gastronomic offer.

Relaxing and spending time are the threads of this experience!


Enjoying the company of your partner, family, or friends is the ideal way to spend a few days disconnecting from the noise and stress of the city. This is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with yourself. The options available are endless, depending on your needs.

Our proposals

Have you ever seen the sunset among snowy peaks or the Mediterranean while being completely relaxed in an outdoor hot tub? Therefore, some Catalan wellness centers give you the opportunity to put an end to your routine. How? By enjoying relaxation and views you will never forget. Do you want to enjoy the therapeutic virtues of seawater? Don't hesitate to visit Catalan thalassotherapy centers that offer preventive and curative treatments through seawater.

Forget Your Routine

Although there are a thousand and one options, we summarize some of the places you can't miss.

  • Aqua Urban Spa: Located in the Gracia district. This spa offers hydrotherapy, manual therapies, body treatments, and facial treatments with state-of-the-art equipment. Professionalism and customization are its strong points. Thinking of giving a gift to someone special? Here, you can find gift vouchers.
  • Silence Thalasso – Spa Centri per a la Millora del rendiment de la Salut i l’Esport (CMR). Aquest centre compta amb quatre àrees diferenciades: Zona Silence, Zona Beauty, gimnàs i cafeteria. Un lloc perfecte per a desconnectar i descansar del dia a dia.
  • Magma Centre Lúdic Termal: Do you have children and don't want to miss out on experiencing this with them? Magma 2.0 is one of the few thermal spas that provide access to children and babies in a space exclusively adapted for the little ones at home.
  • Gran Palas Hotel: With a unique view of the Mediterranean and minimalist architecture, enjoy rest and luxury alongside the Hotel Gran Palas. Therefore, you have no excuse not to live a unique experience.

Places to disconnect from the world...

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