Thermal Waters are one of Catalonia's most valuable natural resources, not only for their mineral richness but also for their medicinal properties. Discover the best options for a "detoxifying" getaway in Catalonia!
Thanks to this heritage, we have the opportunity to flow in cold and thermal waters closer than we think! Thus, you will enjoy the best facilities in our area. All of them stand out in privileged environments and places that allow not only relaxing in the water but also enjoying the best views and landscapes.
No hi ha res com l'aigua per a cuidar-se, per això a Catalunya tenim clar que aquest secret revitalizador i terapèutic no ho podem deixar escapar. A més, t’animem que busquis el teu millor vila termal per a relaxar-te i gaudir d’una escapada detox a Catalunya.
Visit our entryIf, in addition to water, you are looking to disconnect with other equally relaxing methods such as a hot tub, Turkish baths, or body treatments, we recommend the best wellness centers.
Visit our entry
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