Mountain life in its purest state!
Breathe mountain air at every corner. An air that smells clean, of oaks and beeches, baskets woven like old times, and a stove marinated in years. The Els Ports Natural Park is a massif that exceeds the limits of Terres de L'ebre, in Catalonia, and enters the provinces of Teruel (Aragon) and Castellón (Valencian Community).
Its geological formations draw a unique landscape where the Spanish ibex has its own home. Charming villages, pine forests, adventure among peaks, and gastronomy that delights the most demanding stomach await you in this wonderful park to share with the family.
This park in Tarragona offers beech and oak forests, ancient traditions, and finger-licking gastronomy!
The forests and a significant population of beech trees make the Els Ports Natural Park a typical mountain landscape. These stand out for their height and uniqueness, with 28% of its area above 1,000 meters! The highest mountain is Monte Caro, at 1,442 meters high, but don't forget to visit the Font Nova area, with still virgin places, or the Caro summit viewpoint, where you can dazzle with the view overlooking the river mouth.
The importance of the values of the Ports led the Generalitat de Catalunya to create the Natural Park of the Ports of Els and the partial reserve of the beech forests of the Ports. It is part of the European Natura 2000 Network, forming a special protection area for BIRDS (SPA) and Site of Community Importance (SCI). Most of the Natural Park of Els Ports is included in the central area of the Terres de L'ebre Biosphere Reserve, known by the brand EbreBiosfera.
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BASIC INFORMATION ON DATA PROTECTION Responsable del tractament: TERRA ALTA TURISME, SLU Finalitat: Gestió de la prestació de serveis a clients i usuaris. Legitimació: Interès legítim del responsable del tractament. Art 6.1 f) RGPD / art. 19 LOPDGDD. Comunicació de les dades: No es preveuen. Drets que assisteixen a l'Interessat: Pot exercir els drets d'accés, rectificació, supressió, portabilitat, de limitació i oposició al tractament, tal com s'explica en la Informació addicional o dirigint-se a Informació addicional: Podeu consultar la informació addicional sobre Protecció de Dades dirigint-se a
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