The paradise of water birds!
Large sandy areas, green and brown meadows, lagoons transformed into the home of hundreds of species, freshwater ponds, traditional rice fields... This is the image of Aiguamolls de L'empordá Natural Park, the second wetland area in Catalonia, formed by ponds and meadows bordered by the Muga River to the north and the Fluvià to the south. Located in the northern Costa Brava, not far from Roses, it extends over 4,866 hectares of fauna and flora. A particularly privileged place for aquatic birds. And there, more than 300 species, many of them protected, have their particular paradise.
The park is the second wettest area in Catalonia and the perfect place for bird watching.
The Natural Park of Aiguamolls de L'Empordá was created on October 28, 1983, and encompasses several municipalities in Alt Empordá such as La Armentera, Castelló de Empúries, La Escala, Palau-Saverdera, Pau, Pedret i Marzà, Peralada, Roses, and Sant Pere Pescador. The park consists of three main areas: the reserve of the "estanys," with extensive marshes and endless meadows; the reserve of the "llaunes," with coastal lagoons and dunes; and the reserve of the island "Caramany," located in the middle of the Fluvià.
Ducks, Grey Herons, magpies, and Spoonbills, cormorants, flamingos, stilts, or storks. If there's something that stands out in this Natural Park, it's the number of birds that have made its ponds, lakes, and meadows their home, either for a season in the case of migration or throughout the year.
We can also join guided tours of Estany del Cortalet, attend a stargazing session, witness the release of a bird rehabilitated by the wildlife center, or go on bike routes.
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