Ten Catalan dishes to lick your fingers

The best recipes from Catalonia are cooked with local products and served in some of the world's finest restaurants.

In the kitchens of Catalonia, the sea and the mountains, the Mediterranean, and the Pyrenees are cooked from a region with a wide variety of indigenous products. Local Products. El deu plats de la gastronomia catalana són el calçot mullat en salsa romesco quan els termòmetres baixen, un arròs negre esquitxat de sèpia i marisc a la vora d’una cala salvatge o l’explosió de sabor en trencar el sucre cremat d’una crema catalana.

Catalan gastronomy is composed of sensations and encompasses the provinces of Lleida, Tarragona, Girona, and Barcelona. Moreover, Catalonia's dishes are served just like anywhere else. The region is home to some of the world's finest restaurants, such as the Celler de Can Roca (in Girona). In fact, it specializes in traditional Catalan cuisine and holds three Michelin stars. Moreover, it was considered the best in the world in 2015 by the Restaurant Magazine.

Ten Catalan dishes to lick your fingers

If you want to lick your fingers, don't forget to delve into our gastronomy through these ten dishes of Catalan cuisine:

  • Tomato Bread:

It may seem like a simple toasted bread, but we assure you it is not. Tomato bread is the most appetizing breakfast you can imagine. However, to be authentic, the tomato must be cut in half and added to the bread slice. Then, oil and salt are added to taste, and it is accompanied by cured meats such as fuet or serrano ham. But if you use a coca bread, the result can become sensational!

  • Calçots with romesco sauce:

When temperatures drop, there is nothing better than enjoying good calçots with romesco sauce. Originating from Tarragona, it is one of the most characteristic dishes of Catalan cuisine, with the most famous ones being prepared in the town of Valls. The secret is to grill the calçots (a special type of onion) on a barbecue or fireplace, and, of course, do not forget the romesco sauce, made from tomatoes, peppers, and roasted garlic.

  • Botifarra with mongetes:

A homemade and hearty dish, perfect for providing strength and energy, that always succeeds. It consists of sausage, grilled to perfection, and mongetes (pink or white beans). This pairing of sausages and beans is an excellent combination to sit at the table in the purest Catalan style.

  • Calamares a la romana:

Calamares a la Romana in Catalonia are a true emblem. You can't miss them in any bar or restaurant. It is the most characteristic tapa in the community and is often used to accompany paella. Moreover, it is ideal for enjoying a casual meal as if you were at home.

  • Escalivada:

The most typical tapa or appetizer in Catalan cuisine is a combination of the best of the Mediterranean diet. Its name comes from the Catalan verb "escalivar" and has its origins in rural communities. What's behind the door? Eggplant, peppers, cooked tomatoes, onions, and anchovies... Its strong point is its intense flavor.

Ten Catalan dishes to lick your fingers

  • Black Rice:

Delicious like no other dish, black rice in Catalan cuisine is made with seafood and cuttlefish - responsible for the black color the recipe takes on. Cooking it with all its flavor is a culinary art, but it can be achieved with onion, garlic, and tomato.

  • Roasted chicken catalan style:

Its simplicity and ease of preparation do not compromise its great taste. It is a typical weekend dish prepared with a dry vegetable sauce. It can be enjoyed both in restaurants and bought - already prepared - in supermarkets and taken home.

  • Crema Catalana:

Leaving Catalonia without trying Crema Catalana is almost sacrilege. One of the most requested desserts by tourists, it is a cream between a flan and a custard wrapped in a layer of burnt sugar. Using a spoon to break through this "mantle" of sugar is an unparalleled gastronomic and sensory experience!

  • Mel I mató:

Cheese and honey make up these delicious and light desserts. It is a classic recipe in Catalan cuisine that, with a simple combination of these two products, manages to conquer anyone's palate.

  • Brazo de Gitano:

Un dessert spécial pour les amateurs de sucré, car il est composé d'une pâte remplie de crème, de crème fouettée et/ou de chocolat, qui est ensuite roulée dans une couche de sucre. Très courant dans les restaurants et les célébrations spéciales.

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