Cultural Agenda

The cultural agenda of Catalonia features a large number of elements recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Consequently, this great cultural wealth demonstrates a commitment to the preservation and protection of our heritage, both tangible and intangible.

Monasteries, churches, and cave paintings are just some of the monumental ensembles that our lands possess and are also part of Catalonia's cultural agenda.

Generations may pass, but cultural traditions are not lost; an example of this is the castells (human towers), a faithful tradition in spirit and practice that has been preserved for 200 years.

World Heritage in Catalonia

World Heritage in Catalonia

We gather the set of monuments and intangible heritages that you cannot miss in Catalonia.

Visit our entry
Journey through Catalan Culture

Journey through Catalan Culture

Here, we show you the best routes to discover the gastronomy, history, and nature of our land.

Visit our entry
Award-winning project in the category
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