
Catalonia's Greenways: Follow the footsteps of the train

The tracks where you used to travel by train now bear witness to the steps of your feet and the wheels of your bicycle. These are Catalonia's greenways, the traces that once traveled the railways and have now become routes for hikers and cyclists. Their low difficulty and lack of steep slopes make them accessible to everyone, while their landscapes, surrounded by bridges, viaducts, and tunnels, give them a special charm. Follow the footsteps of the train and take a stroll along these greenways!

Follow the footsteps of the train and take a stroll along its tracks!


From the volcanic region of La Garrotxa to Terra Alta, the Ebro Delta, and even into France. Exploring the Catalan geography by pedaling on disused railways is an experience that shouldn't be missed. There are routes of different levels, distances, or landscapes, but none will leave you indifferent.

Routes we suggest:

57 kilometers, three counties, and twelve villages. The Carrilet Greenway is one of the most beautiful in Spain. It's not for nothing. The volcanic landscape of La Garrotxa, the charm of Castillo de Hostoles, and the green valleys of the Fluviá, Brugent, and Ter rivers will accompany you to the end. There are also all kinds of services, such as restaurants or information points. Province: Girona. Difficulty: Low.

Pine and almond forests, villages exuding culture, and even a dip in thermal waters. This old railway line in Tarragona, spanning 24 kilometers through the Pàndols i de Cavalls mountains, is a great way to explore the ancient tunnels and viaducts in the area. It can be connected to the Baix Ebre Greenway, which goes from the Canaletes break to the Ebro Delta. Province: Tarragona. Difficulty: Low.


The old facilities, evidence of industrial activity during the railway era, are one of the main attractions of this route. It originated in the town of Ripoll and continues to climb towards the Ogassa mines through Sant Joan de les Abadesses. On your journey, you will also be captivated by the monastery of Santa Maria. Province: Girona. Difficulty: Low.

Six kilometers along the same route as the former itinerary of the so-called 'little train,' which connected Palamós with Girona and passed through La Bisbal. It offers a peaceful walk through the heart of the Costa Brava, amidst some of the lesser-known Mediterranean landscapes. Province: Girona. Difficulty: Very low, ideal for children.

Follow the course of the Llobregat River along the old railway line to the Pelaw Bridge. Just over six kilometers will surprise you with the Romanesque facade of Sant Quirze de Peright and the magnificent Gothic Bridge. Province: Barcelona. Difficulty: Low.

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