Cycling in Catalonia invites you to discover this land!
In Catalonia, you have everything you need to enjoy two wheels. Picturesque villages to explore, charming rural paths, roads with sea views, or mountain itineraries in the midst of wild nature. Whatever you are looking for, whatever cycling discipline you practice, you will find it here. All of this, combined with fantastic weather, a great diversity of landscapes, and a wide range of leisure and gastronomy options.
Cycling in Catalonia ranges from a peaceful ride to long-distance road cycling, including challenging mountain bike trails.
The community has an extensive network of companies, accommodations, and travel agencies offering exclusive services for enthusiasts of this sport. The extensive network of well-maintained secondary roads, in good condition and with various technical requirements, along with the variety of marked mountain bike routes traversing the different landscapes of the region, completes the offering. Additionally, the community can boast of having a vibrant and passionate cycling community, contributing to creating a welcoming atmosphere for bike enthusiasts. Cyclotourism Seal, a distinction awarded by the Catalan Tourism Agency (ACT), which guarantees standards of excellence and specialization.
And Catalonia is indeed a paradise for those who love cycling...
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