Val D'aran

Una val atlàntica als Pirineus. Això és la Val d’Aran, un lloc excepcional amb una oferta turística d’alta qualitat i una bellesa singular. Es troba situada al Pirineu central, pertany a la província de Lleida i la seva capital és Viella. A més, compta amb una ubicació privilegiada, entre valls i muntanyes, que dóna lloc a un escenari ple de fauna i flora. Una opció perfecta pels amants de la naturalesa, és per aixó que et proposem que fer dins la Val d’Arán per gaudir d’aquest meravellós indret.


The Aran Valley has lush forests and mountains that, by the time autumn arrives, are covered in snow. It also has various protected natural areas ideal for observing wildlife in the wild, such as birds, brown bears, deer, or marmots, among others.

Also, we cannot forget an unbeatable space like the Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici National Park, the only one in Catalonia and an excellent representation of the main ecosystems that we can discover in the Catalan high mountains.


Along with its rich landscape, Val D'Aran offers a large number of cultural treasures. A good example is the significant monumental artistic ensemble, mainly composed of a large number of Romanesque churches. Specifically, a total of 30 to discover, among which are Santa Maria de Arties, San Andrèu de Salardú, Sant Fabian de Arres de Jos, or Sant Miquèu de Vielha..

On the other hand, walking through the streets of the most traditional villages becomes one of the most unique and attractive proposals. A good option to discover up close the legends surrounding the valley..


Climbing in the mountains, horseback riding, being drawn by the force of its crystal-clear waters are some of the many activities that can be done in Val d'Aran. In addition to these, there are many more proposals to experience the thrill of adventure in this unique environment. In summary, the most important ones are the BTT routes and road cycling, due to its countless routes. Among the routes offered, highlights include the Val d'Aran cycling tourist route, one of the most emblematic, the cyclosportive route of the small Tour de France, or the Departure of BTT Eth camí Reiau Baish Aran.


The great wealth of Val d'Aran is also found on its table. Visiting its lands is to live an authentic gastronomic experience, full of temptations and suitable for all tastes, combining traditional recipes with more sophisticated dishes. The Civet de senglar, the confit d’ànec, l’olla aranesa, or the tronquetsa are some of its most unique dishes that anyone visiting Val d'Aran should not miss.

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