La platja del cap de Sant Pere, platja de Vilafortuny, platja de l’Esquirol, platja de’n Forés, platja del Regueral, platja de la Riera, platja Horta de Santa Maria, platja de la Llosa i platja de l’Ardiaca són les 9 platges que podràs escollir a Cambrils i que, any rere any, són guardonades amb el distintiu de Bandera Blava per la qualitat de l’aigua, els serveis que ofereixen com tumbones, bars, xiringuitos, dutxes, àrees de jocs infantils i accés per a discapacitats. A més, et podràs atrevir a provar l’àmplia oferta d’activitats aquàtiques del Club Nàutic Cambrils i l’Estació Nàutica Costa Daurada.
Cambrils is seaside holidays, with your gaze lost in the blue hues of its beaches and walking on the sand while enjoying the best sunsets of the Mediterranean.
Visit the website of CambrilsThe landscape of Cambrils is a blend of maritime culture and tradition, and this is reflected in its cuisine, in every restaurant, in every bar, in every dish.
Visit Cambrils and don't forget to stroll through its old quarter full of small squares hidden among the stone-paved streets... and also discover Samà Park, a botanical garden that represents one of the most fascinating places in the municipality and will transport you to the romantic era of the 19th-century colonial style.
Parc Samà is a must-visit to experience a spectacle that blends the natural space of the botanical garden with modernist architectural elements and animal life. Did you know that Antoni Gaudí, as an assistant to José Fontser, was responsible for building the park's waterfall?
DISCOVER SAMÀ PARK25 kilometers of bike lane
5 campsites and more than 6,000 spaces to enjoy this family destination.
View campsites in Cambrils
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