Barcelona The capital of Catalonia is a Mediterranean and cosmopolitan city, where you can find Roman remains, medieval neighborhoods, and examples of modernism and 20th-century avant-garde. It also boasts a privileged location, situated by the Mediterranean Sea and near the mountain range of the Pyrenees. Let us guide you on what to do in Barcelona during your vacation!
Can you imagine a city where you can enjoy the Mediterranean Sea, its temperature, and, at the same time, breathe nature at an altitude of over two thousand meters? Stop imagining; it's Barcelona!
Talking about Barcelona means talking about the Mediterranean Sea and a long maritime tradition dating back to Roman times. The sea is its symbol, providing many benefits like other major international cities. Yet, the Catalan Pyrenees are a true paradise for mountain lovers. A space to enjoy nature in its purest form.
Barcelona is undoubtedly art and culture due to its rich historical and artistic heritage. Walking through its streets means you'll encounter wonders like the Sagrada Familia or Las Ramblas. Immerse yourself in its districts and neighborhoods and enjoy its great attractions!
On the other hand, experiencing popular culture is effortless in Barcelona. Giants, human towers, craft markets... you can come across them on the streets, especially during popular festivals. Check the schedule of traditional events, and don't miss out!
Its exceptional location makes Barcelona have an incredible range of possibilities. Also, the 1992 Olympic Games caused the city to grow much more in terms of infrastructure. The city hosts international events that attract millions of people every year.
Moreover, the natural environment surrounding the metropolitan area invites the practice of numerous adventure sports and activities in contact with nature, suitable for all audiences. Golf courses, hiking, water activities... are just a few of the hundreds of possibilities to experience in Barcelona!
When we talk about gastronomy in Barcelona, we have to talk about Catalan cuisine. A cuisine where we combine heritage, product, territory, creativity, tradition, and innovation. If you visit the city, you can't miss popular dishes like escudella or escalivada, which bring the richness of typical Catalan products to the plate. The products that arrive daily at the markets are key elements in the Mediterranean diet, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2010.
With all these aspects, it's not surprising that Catalonia was declared the European Region of Gastronomy in 2016.
Wine-making tradition is present in the social and cultural life of the country. Wine and cava are inseparable from the rich Catalan cuisine, so they are present in all celebrations. There are even specific festivals dedicated to wine culture.
Due to its landscape and climate, Barcelona has all the necessary ingredients to produce high-quality wines with very different characteristics and a distinctive character.
More information on what to do in Barcelona: agenda, activities...
Els càmpings de Barcelona et donen la possibilitat de gaudir del mar i la muntanya alhora. A més, el seu bon clima mediterrani afavoreix gaudir de l’aire lliure i de la platja. Per això, allotjar-se en un dels seus càmpings és una idea excel·lent. També, la ubicació d’aquests càmpings et permeten gaudir de la capital catalana lluny de l’agitació urbana.
Un dels seus principals atractiu és la gran varietat d’opcions que hi ha: càmpings de 3 estrelles, coco-homes, glampings, cabin-rooms... Centenars d’opcions!
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