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Sitges Camping

Planning to go to Sitges Camping? Sitges is a destination that needs no introduction. It is known for its international film festivals, carnivals, cultural events, gastronomy, culture, but also for its mild climate, thanks to the protection of the Garraf Massif, and its beaches. Read more

If you are looking for a camping in Sitges, you are in the right place. Sitges has 2 campsites, both of 2nd category, with Biosphere certification for commitment to tourist sustainability and with the option of online booking. Find here the best deals on budget campsites in Sitges and enjoy a dream vacation in a campsite near Barcelona.

Camping El Garrofer

Between the sea and the mountains, in the heart of the Garraf Park, experience a carefully crafted and environmentally friendly experience. They offer their customers a moment to pause, reconnect, and enjoy the little things and the surroundings.
At Camping El Garrofer, there are different types of pitches and glamping accommodations, a pool, entertainment, and excellent facilities that complement their offer. Located just 900 meters from the beach, the campsite is fully accessible and has a direct bus to Sitges center and also to Barcelona.

Camping Sitges

Located 2 km from the center of Sitges in the south direction and 700 m from its famous beaches. It is a small campsite where you can enjoy a natural environment. It has 166 pitches, 6 of them adapted for clients with reduced mobility, and a varied offer of accommodations for 2 or 4 people. It features a pool, supermarket, ping pong area, as well as a playground and animation activities for the little ones.

Sitges is pure Mediterranean, with a history as a fishing village and one of the most charming places on the Catalan coast. If we visit the village, the best thing to do is to wander through its streets and enjoy modernist buildings, and we can also enjoy its magnificent promenade, which allows us to observe the contrast between Indian palaces on one side and the sea on the other.

Want to know more about this destination on the Costa de Barcelona?

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