Campsites are ideal spaces for families thanks to their structure, their open spaces and in contact with nature and their facilities dedicated to the little ones of the house, from swimming pools, slides or playgrounds,... to enjoy them safely.
GIVE AWAY kilometers of fun where the whole family will have a great time!
- All experiences are to stay in bungalow type accommodation, log cabin, safari tent,... to live the values of camping with all the comfort and service.
- The gift box allows you to buy now without the need to mark the dates of the stay.
- The gift box allows whoever enjoys the gift can choose your destination among all participating campsites, all over Catalonia.
1 or 2 nights + gift experience
Ideal for families
Valid for 1 year
Now you can have the CampingsBox experience!
Choose this option and receive a box full of surprises to gift to whomever you want!
What will you find inside the box?
Gift nature experiences with CampingsBox!
* Option available only in Spanish territory
The most eco-friendly option!
With this option, you will receive all the information in your email.
What will you receive in your email?
Gift nature experiences with CampingsBox!
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